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Analyze Your Blog Traffic And Competitors For Free - SimilarWeb

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Anazlye Your Blog
No doubt dozens are free online tools available on the web for bloggers when they came to analyze their blog traffic statistics. Most of the time we are using few limited online tools with which might be well aware all tech geeks and bloggers. While in my case, i have been using google analytics and woorank since 2012. Meanwhile i did not find any useful tool by which we can calculate blog traffic and competitors accurately. However, there are various splendid paid online tools which could be help in bringing your competitors and give all the possible results regarding to the blog traffic statistics. However, sometime you must be worry, what to do ? Where to go? if we need to check the blog current visitors analytic and competitors at the current time without registration and much more. In such situation i have a solid solution which can be more useful to fulfill your desires. So here i am going to present you one splendid website (SimilarWeb) by which you will quickly access all the rights which you are manually handle in google analytic. So, in today's article we will show you how to analyze your blog competitors and traffic by using SimilarWeb online tool.

What Is SimilarWeb And How Does It Work

To give you a brief idea. SimilarWeb is an online website which provides a single tool for checking both traffic and competitors. This tool work similar to google analytic. While google analytic needs registration, installation of ID on the template but here you do not need to have registration or other any access authority. So it would automatically show all the traffic related data, Referral traffic, Social media and much more. Its mechanism is so simple. Just go to the website. Enter your desire blog link and then see the whole visual graphic of your blog whole background.

How To Use Similar Web For Analyzing Blog & Website

Do'nt look here and there. Here is a complete guide, which will show step by step how to check active visitors, Traffic and your competitors. Lets come and follow the below step by step guide.

1: First of all go the SimilarWeb from here.

2: Put your Blog url in the searchbox and hit the enter.

Anazlye Your Blog traffic and competitors
3: Check your Blog visitors Visual statical graph data

Anazlye Your Blog traffic and competitors


Add your competitor blog to know how is the winner.  You can also add multiple competitors. See the below screenshot.

Anazlye Your Blog traffic and competitors


Compare the results. The fist one will be always the Primary blog which want to do competition and the alternate will competitor blog often comes below the primary ones. To give you the illustrative view see the below screenshot.

Anazlye Your Blog traffic and competitors

In the above screenshot the primary blog is and the is one of my friends blog. You can clearly see the graph for visitors flow, the yellow zig zag line reference to the competitor blog while the blue line reference to the primary blog. The highest traffic tendency always achieved by the competitor however the recent update of nov 2013, we crossed over the competitor blog. As you can see in the screenshot. The blue line is going upward while the yellow goes down constantly.

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