15 Quick Fixes for Increased Computing Productivity
Top 40 Ways to Take Notes Online
Regular note-taking is one of the most productive habits a person can practice. The ability to take notes online and access them anytime, from any location is priceless. Over the last few years, I have personally tested nearly 100 different ways to do this. Some of these note-taking systems are worth mentioning, and some are worth forgetting.Here are the systems worth mentioning… a list of 40 useful online
29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid Real Work
You don’t always have to work hard to be productive. Productivity can simply be the side effect of doing the right things.So here’s a list of 29 semi-productive things I do online when my mind is set on avoiding ‘real work.’
Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills
Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new.
30 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less
Many of us attempt to measure our happiness based on the duration of certain favorable experiences in our lives. The longer a favorable experience lasts, the happier we think we’ll be. But the truth is, life is simply a string of small, independent moments that are always changing. Thus, a few minutes well spent here and there can make a big difference in what we get out of life in the long-term.
Here are 30 things you can do in 30 minutes or less that will have a positive emotional effect on you and those closest to you.
11 Practical Ways to Spend Your Money
How To Save Your Health and Wealth at the Same Time
Your health is your life, and your wealth represents the fruits of your labor. I assume you don’t want to be wasteful with either of them. Here’s how to save both at the same time:
So many people spend their health gaining wealth,
and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.
Reduce Your Consumption of Drugs – That includes alcohol, cigarettes, over the counter, prescription and
28 Unique Bits of Financial Brilliance
Either way, if you’re not doing well financially, you’re probably ready for
18 Means for Living Below Your Means
Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not spend to impress others. Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely
A penny saved is a penny earned.
- Redefine your definition of “rich”. – “I remember sitting in
This Is Why You Are In Debt
The only way to get out of debt is to understand why you’re in debt in the first place.
And the truth is…
You will not save money when you get your next raise. You will not save money when your car is paid off. You will not save money when your kids are supporting themselves someday. And you wouldn’t even save a dime if I handed you $100,000 in cash
18 Things You Are Wasting Money On
Money can buy freedom – freedom from trading hours for dollars. Money can buy options – the option to do what you want to do instead of what you have to do. Money is great to have as long as you manage and spend it wisely. But most of us never do – we waste it and we don’t even realize it.
How? Why?
Because many of the items and services
20 Ways To Create Million Dollar Ideas
Big companies like Apple, super successful websites like Facebook, and bestselling books like The 4-Hour Workweek
The big question is: How did their creators come up with these ideas? Did they sit around waiting for an inspirational flash or a mystic spell of luck?
The answer is: Spontaneity and luck had little to do with it.
In this article, we’ll take a brief look at
40 Little Ways to Find Happiness in What You Already Have
“My body sometimes feels sore, but it works. I don’t sleep well most nights, but I do wake up to experience another day. My wallet is not full, but my stomach is. I don’t have all the things I’ve ever wanted, but I do have everything I need. I’m thankful, becauseHappiness is an attitude we act upon. We either make ourselves miserable, or happier and stronger. The amount of work is the same.
9 Things You Should NOT Have to Give Up to Be Happy In Life
“This morning my best friend, Karl, confided in me that he’s having trouble playing a depressed character in our school’s end of the semester play. ‘Call me one of the lucky ones,’ he said. ‘But I just have no emotional tie to the role, and I know it’s hurting the quality of the character I’m trying to portray.’ The kicker, Karl is one of the kids, just like me,“All happiness depends on courage and work.
18 Reasons to Give Up Trying to Live Up to Everyone’s Expectations
A life spent ceaselessly trying to please people who are perhaps incapable of ever being pleased, or trying too hard to always be seen as doing “what’s expected of you,” is a sure road to a regretful existence.Your needs matter too. Don’t ignore them. Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.
20 Questions that Will Free Your Mind from Negativity
“Today, I miss who I was. I miss the girl who had something to be proud of. I miss the girl who was genuinelyIn the long run, the simple questions you ask yourself on a regular basis will determine the type of person you become.
happy in her own skin. I miss the girl who was
6 Strong Signs it’s Time to Let Go
Many people believe holding on and hanging in there, infinitely, are signs of incredible strength. But there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go, and then to actually do it.You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are
too attached to the things you’re supposed to let go of.
12 Rituals Happy, Successful People Practice Every Day
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”Every day Angel and I work with coaching clients who say all the right things and then do the exact opposite. They hope to experience growth, but they resist change. They want less stress, yet they indulge in drama. They long for better relationships, and then they refuse to trust anyone.
In other words, what they say they want
20 Tiny Thoughts Crushing Your Biggest Dreams
The mind is your battleground. It’s the place where the greatest conflict resides. It’s where half of the things you thought were going to happen, never did happen. But if you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your life. You will think yourself into a nervous breakdown, into depression, and into defeat. I know because I’ve been there.It is ultimately only our own thoughts that hurt us.
9 Things Happy Couples Never Think In Life
“There cannot be a relationship unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is understanding, patience, and persistence.”It’s easy to make a relationship more difficult than it really is. Angel and I work with coaching clients every day who do just that. But we don’t try to change their relationships,
30 Lessons to Excel in Life in Your 30s and Beyond
“The trouble is if you don’t spend your life yourself,Every summer, like clockwork, after high school and college graduation ceremonies send new graduates trotting off into the real world, Angel and I receive a few hundred emails from eager late teen and early 20-something subscribers (subscribe here) that basically ask
other people spend it for you.”
10 Forgotten Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times
“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”The wisest, most loving, and well rounded people you have ever met are likely those who have known misery, known defeat, known the heartbreak of losing something or someone they loved, and have found their way out of the depths of their own despair. These people have experienced many ups and
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